In case someone gave me the question, “what are you expecting to Rock Club”, I will respond, it is “feeling something un-common and local culture”. Rock Club is literally, to play and listen to Rock Music, however, it is, to feel its atmosphere, smell, people, culture and history.
Regarding the above subject, I have discussed one person before. She said “the reason going to Rock Club is to watch its artist and its music, I do not believe going to Rock Club without knowing its artist and its music”. I understand her opinion somehow, however, I am looking for something different from its artist.

It is not very important for me, who will play in Rock Club, I do not decide when going to its Rock Club. My condition going to Rock Club is only that place playing the Rock music. The definition of the Rock Club herewith is, it is the place to play Rock music with maximum a few hundred people of capacity, on the street.
This capacity level of Rock Club is generally, something unique, very dirty, extraordinally snob, waitress is really beautiful or weird, really dislike its artist performance since it is really inferior play, its band generating abnormal heat, reception lady is really happy person, only serving the beer without bulb, scattering the stinky smoke in the edge of the space, getting really angry since its play is really stinky, restroom is really dirty and feeling something scary, gin&tonic served is really like water, Bartender giving me the “Budweiser” even if I have asked “Coors”, one person standing in front of me, is looking back to me and say “Oh my god, it is non-English speaker”, unknown person giving me the cigarette when I was just standing in front of the Club, be talked a lot about the history of playing band, be talked by the unknown Japanese.

Probably, each item on the above is “un-common” and feeling different, finding something fun and going there to encounter these something different. I have been to Live Houses located in Tokyo, however, I have picked up the Rock Club around the world. some Clubs described herewith is already closed, however, to describe its history and I would like ask someone to build a new Rock Club somewhere, and therefore, I have kept to describe it as reference and for those people. Please note.
(described on Dec 30 2018)
(latest update on Jan 29 2022)