A personal ranking of modern art museums visited by the site owner. There may be well-known museums or lesser-known museums. The ranking criteria includes “Impact”. If you are looking for an extraordinary space to reset, which is the theme of this site, please read the article. If you would like to go, please visit.
This page is “Ranking [Europe Edition]”. Please enter “Ranking [World Edition]” from the Top Page. Furthermore, European art museums are also included in the “Ranking [World Edition]”.

#1 : Humburger Bahnhof Museum (Berlin, Germany)
Surprising at the special structure of the old station building in Berlin. Intoxicated by the excellent space with Japanese conceptual artworks.
(described on Feb 10 2019)(latest update on Apr 20 2024)

#2 : Louisiana Museum of Modern Art (Humlebaek, Denmark)
A suburb of Copenhagen, Denmark. Museum like an ordinary house in a quiet residential area. After marvel at the radical works, the seascape appears in front.(described on Jun 22 2024)

#3 : Contemporary Art of Ibiza (Ibiza, Spain)
Ibiza, Spain. Finding the Museum in the land of “Club Heaven”. Full of aesthetic sense, and it makes me wonder if I am in a private residence.
(Feb 10 2019)(Mar 20 2020 updated)

#4 : Punta della Dogana (Venice, Italy)
Venice, Italy. Tadao Ando renovated the building that was once used as a customs office in a modern style. Admiring the harmony between the brick walls and the contemporary artworks. (Feb 10 2019)(Mar 29 2020 updated)

#5 : Joan Milo Museum (Barcelona, Spain)
Barcelona, Spain. Unusual in this city full of tourists, in a place with relatively few people, putting in a luxurious space where only Milo’s artworks are exhibited. (Feb 10 2019)(Apr 18 2020 updated)

#6 : Kolumba Museum (Koln, Germany)
Cologne, Germany. The space with white ceiling, white walls, and a white floor, admire the exquisite balance of antique art and modern paintings. (Feb 10 2019)(Apr 5 2024 updated)

#7 : Berardo Collection Museum (Lisbon, Portugal)
Lisbon, Portugal. At the end of the western part of Europe, surprising to find a textbook-like place in the Museum of Contemporary Art.
(Feb 10 2019)(May 1 2020 updated)

#8 : ARoS Aarhus Art Museum (Aarhus, Denmark)
3 hours by train from Copenhagen, Denmark. Admired the scale of the art museum in a local city, got stuck in the permanent installation exhibition area.(Apr 13 2024)

#9 : K20/K21 Museum (Dusseldorf, Germany)
Two buildings in Düsseldorf, Germany that separate modern and contemporary, surprised the quality at K20, impressed the hidden power of contemporary art at K21. (Jan 17 2025)

#10 : Safnasafnid The Fork & Outsider Art (Akreyri, Iceland)
Aqueiri, northern Iceland. Like a model for a privately running museum in a remote area, amazing at the existence of museum.
(described on Feb 10 2019)(latest update on May 3 2020)

#11 : Lisson Gallery (London, UK)
London, England. Feeling the energy of advanced artworks in a place that can be called as small museum rather than gallery.
(Feb 10 2019)(May 4 2020 updated)

#12 : Guggenheim Bilbao Museum (Bilbao, Spain)
Museum in Basque country, dedicated to activate the town. The heterogeneity of the building and the space inside are full of extraordinary.
(Feb 23 2020)

#13 : Dali-Theatre Museum (Figueres, Spain)
Figueres, a suburb of Barcelona, Spain. Checking if there is a correlation between Dali’s artworks expresses the unreal space and the place where Dali grew up. (Feb 10 2019)(May 10 2020 updated)

#14 : Moderna Museet (Stockholm, Sweden)
Stockholm, Sweden. In the Scandinavian design kingdom, surprised to find an unexpected artwork.
(Feb 10 2019)(Sep 7 2024 updated)

#15 : MAMAC (Nice, France)
Nice, France. Overlaying the color of the Nice sea with International Klein Blue. (Feb 10 2019)

#16 : Tate Modern (London, UK)
London, one of the world’s three major modern art museums. Explore the vast space, huge number of artworks, thinking the British collection mania.
(Apr 9 2023)

#17 : Boros Collection (Berlin, Germany)
Berlin, Germany. Step into a building with a strange atmosphere, admire contemporary art in a special space, and remember the history that once unfolded in this place. (May 11 2024)

#18 : New National Gallery (Berlin, Germany)
Berlin, Germany. After gazing out the modern art in chronological order, enter the cafe and sip a coffee while seeing the chandeliers and wallpaper.
(Jul 6 2024)

#19 : Museum Ludwig (Cologne, Germany)
Cologne, Germany. At the museum next to the Cologne Cathedral, seeing artworks from the 1900s and think back to the 1960s, when pop art flourished.
(Sep 15 2024)
(described on Nov 2 2024)
(updated on Jan 17 2025)