A personal ranking of the American national parks visited by the site owner. Ranking criteria includes impact. If you are looking for an extraordinary space to reset, which is the theme of the site, please read the article and visit.

#1:The Wave / Arizona
After getting the right to go, pathless way and a scorching land waiting for. Complete a small adventure and feel overwhelming awe in an unreal space.
(Apr 30 2019)(Mar 14 2021 latest update)

#2 : Arches / Utah
The land of rock art. Walking along the rocky trail, arriving at “Delicate Arch”. Be hot with the emotions.
(Apr 30 2019)(Jul 5 2021 latest update)

#3 : Capitol Reef / Utah
Go north on Route 12 with various landscapes. Going further into a remote place, Coming across monolith never seen before, and be impressed.
(Apr 30 2019)(Sep 14 2019 updated)

#4 : Monument Valley / Utah, Arizona
Looking at the reddish-brown butte, which is the original landscape of the United States standing in the vast wilderness. Feeling the energy emitted by the earth. (Apr 30 2019)(Sep 14 2019 updated)

#5 : Glen Canyon / Utah, Arizona
Seeing the contrast between the “blue” of the water in the lake / canyon, the “brown” of the rock surface of the rocky mountain, and the “blue” of the sky, feeling my heart washed. (Apr 30 2019)(Sep 14 2019 updated)

#6 : Bryce Canyon / Utah
The unreal space formed by the accumulation of spire-shaped rock formations. Feel ing as if looking at contemporary art, intoxicated with that space.
(Apr 30 2019)(Sep 14 2019 updated)

#7 : Death Valley / California, Nevada
Salt Lake, Dry Lake, dunes, strange rocks, castles. Travel around with various faces, experiencing the scorching heat land at the lowest place in the Western Hemisphere, feeling dizzy. (Apr 30 2019)(Mar 8 2023 updated)

#8 : Canyon de Chelly / Arizona
Overlooking the divine Spider Rock on the Indian Reservation, feeling the special space where different time is flowing.
(Apr 30 2019)(Mar 19 2023 updated)

#9 : Yellowstone / Wyoming, Montana, Idaho
The sights of the hot springs of Porcelain Basin seem to be looking at contemporary art, cannot leave this mysterious landscape.
(Apr 30 2019)(Sep 15 2019 updated)

#10: Grand Canyon / Arizona
It is a representative place in the US National Park, amazed at the sight of the vast canyon never seen before, feeling vomiting.
(Apr 30 2019)(Sep 15 2019 updated)

#11: White Sands / New Mexico
The world of “white”. Putting myself in an unreal space where only “white” spreads, the word “escapism” comes to mind.
(Apr 30 2019)(Aug 19 2023 updated)

#13: Carlsbad Caverns / New Mexico
Surprised by the cave holes that appear in the wilderness, walking the trail to the underground while listening to the cries of bats, getting lost in the world of science fiction and imagine the appearance of underground people. (Jul 8 2023)
(described on Apr 30 2019)
(latest update on Aug 19 2023)