New York City, USA. At the world’s previledge of modern art museums, encountered artworks generating heat for the first time.
Museum of Modern Art, New York (MoMA) must be one of the prestigious modern art museums in the world. This museum has evoked me the interest to artistic world.

When I was in the early 20s, I went to “New York City” and walk around the city all day. When walking around, I have been asked for the direction and time by many people passed by. Then I have passed in front of the MoMA, and found the brochure of “Joan Milo” exhibition and long line of the people in front of the MoMA. I had a curiosity “how his artwork is great”. Then I have purchased the ticket from my tiny money and entered into the MoMA.
Joan Milo’s artworks were great. In addition, I surprised to the “Persistence of the Memory” by ”Dali” in the permanent exhibition. I got something new and different.

However, I have another artwork that I have shocked, it is “David Alfaro Siqueiros”. The title of his artwork is “Collective Suicide”. My first visit to MoMA was the old buildings, its artwork was in the second or third floor, at the back side from the corridor. The people around were very few and I could not move, in front of this painting.
Its painting indicates a human pattern with an amazing color and precise brushstroke. I caught to the details after looking around the whole part. I do not remember clearly that there is an explanation for its painting. However I have felt something politics, history, human humility and ferocious, agitating inside.

When understanding the history in Central and South America, it cannot remove that this area is invaded by the Spanish and other European countries. I come to mind the books “A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies” by “Bartolome de las Casas” and “The Autumn of the Patriarch” by “Gabriel Garcia Marquez”.
When considering the Central and South America, this may be connected to the image of this paining. I have never seen his paintings or artworks in the museum in Japan and Europe, I would like ask everyone to appreciate his artworks.
Going back to the MoMA story. MoMA is in New York City (Manhattan) 53rd street between 5th and 6th Avenue. It is in the middle of New York City (Midtown). It is in the middle of business district and it is an area full of tourists. In that sense, tourist people who stay in Midtown can easily visit and I have an impression that this museum is always crowded by visitors.

Now, travelling around the world is very normal and many visitors come to the New York City. In this viewpoint, MoMA is not the place to provide the people for the uncommon luxury space.
Visited in 1988, 1992, 1994, 1997, 2003, 2016
Basic Information
■ Name of Place:MoMA (The Museum of Modern Art)
■ Address : 11 W 53rd St, New York, NY 10019, USA
■ Homepage:
(described on Feb 10 2019)
(updated on Jun 6 2020)